Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Tomorrow is a day to look forward to. I 'll have my final interview @ Mano Amiga Academy. I will have to go directly to the director of MMA. There was no mention of things to bring but myself. I am happy. Why? Because this is the promise of GOD. He talked to me. I heard him. I was patient enough to wait for this.

I haven't mentioned to any friends nor to my parents. I want to surprise them. They know how much I want to work in the foundation and they know that this is the calling of God to me.

He tested my patience and tested my trust in Him. I did not fail HIM. Perhaps I can say that I am the happiest person in the world now.

Lord, I lift to you everything that I am and everything that I have. Give me wisdom, guidance, determination, strengthened faith, and love to all my brothers and sisters in the world. Let me see them as someone equal as me or more important. Allow me to be of your service Lord.

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